The Good Life Money Mindset: 8 Principles For Living The Good Life Now Workbook available now on Amazon


Our focus is helping professionals and emerging business owners master their finances and build wealth through money mindset changes, and financial & business coaching.

We believe the good life is possible for you!

Personal Finance management training

  • Financial literacy

  • Wealth building principles

  • Personal financial planning and management systems

Small business development and training

  • Business Development/Marketing/Sales Ideation and implementation

  • Project management

  • Team /staff building

  • Operations/systems

Money Mindset coaching

  • Vision and goal setting

  • Values assessment

  • Financial personality testing

Why Financial Education?

Because the majority of people, regardless of education or career attainment have received none or very little financial literacy training, and therefore lack the financial confidence and knowledge to make the best financial decisions.

thegoodlife Money Coach wants to fix this by offering unbiased financial education that is comprehensive, personalized and ongoing.

What thegoodlife Money Coach training covers

• Participants learn how to master the day-to-day financial foundations such as maintaining a spending plan, money management and savings, credit management, making good financial decisions, and maintaining financial focus.

•Participants learn how to “ plan and prioritize’” for home-ownership, major purchases, debt freedom, Insurance protection, retirement, college tuition, and more.

• Participants are shown how to discover the “Good” in life.

• Participants are equipped with practical systems, tools, and practices to live “The Good Life” now and later.

Our focus is to serve our clients’ financial education needs, not to market or solicit financial or insurance products. Research shows that financial literacy and financial advisory services are complementary with, rather than substitutes for, each other.

A study by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University concluded that financial education can significantly increase both employee morale and pay satisfaction. At a few dollar per month, financial education is much less expensive than salary raises and is an alternative more companies should consider. The Virginia Tech study determined that the most successful financial education programs met the following criteria:

Comprehensive: Single workshops had limited success. When workshops were conducted in

a series and coupled with personalized financial consultations, the success rate was much higher.

Personalized: Employees who received personalized support fared better than those who did not.

Ongoing: The effects of education do diminish over time as people revert to bad habits and

tendencies that aren’t in their best interests. Studies have shown that people need to hear

information seven times before they act upon it, and this is only for one piece of information.


A woman-owned business

© 2021 Inheritance Development LLC